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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Long time...

Hello all,

Yeah, Yeah, I know it has been a while. Last anyone heard from me was Mid-November. i was about to do my last week of Chemo. That was a very grey and trying time for me. I was struggling with putting this harsh chemical into my body and not seeing results. I know there have been many of my followers who have followed my disease and my progress and have often asked how I was and what was next. The biggest struggle I had was not just telling people how things were going, but to actually make them understand what I was actually going through, how to understand, and how the help me. Believe it or not, I do have some people close to me who refuse to even try to understand what I am going through with the silent, unseen disease that is taking over my life.

Late last November, I finished my last round and was told go home and wait. And that is what I did. I waited months. I had a few appointments in between and my blood work never gave any indication as to whether or not I was responding to the chemo treatment, nor did it indicate whether I was headed toward remission.

By late March, I felt I was responding. However, by the time for my follow up appointment in early April, I was told nothing had changed and it was finally time for me to be taking the dreaded immune suppressants (1000 MG of Cellcept daily). I did the usual blood work and went home to wait more. I actually can say that once on the Cellcept, I did start to notice changes, such as nail growth, smooth skin, and a bit more lively feeling.  One week later the results were in and I noticed that my Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) was at 41, which should be an indication I may have been in remission. After all, I had more energy than normal and was actually participating in physically demanding activity without too much trouble. Then suddenly I am not feeling so great.

Jump to just a few short minutes, I leave to make the trek to Detroit to find out if I am in remission or not. The doctor told me that if I am ot, I may have experienced it for a short while between visits. Fingers crossed I am.

Talk to you all when I get back.

Jacki Lynn