After a long wait, I finally received my treatment medication in the mail (Yes, the VA is good at sending them. However, it takes forever.) As soon as I got them, I took the first dose of 80 mg. That was to be the first dose of 8 weeks of treatment. Popped the pills and then off to my appointment with the Dermatologist.
Trip to the Dermatologist
August 4th rolled around and it was finally time to see the dermatologist. I was eagerly awaiting to see them because I had spots that I felt were a bit of an issue and needed checking out but also because they were going to look at my knuckles. I knew I was there to schedule a biopsy and a full body skin scan. During that visit, the dermatologist asked if I had any cancer screening done and I had said no. I guess it was a little bit of a wake up call, but they scheduled a CT of the thorax & pap smear on August 13th, a mammogram for September 2nd, an Echo Cardiogram for the 24th of September. Some time in the future I will get the dreaded colonoscopy. Because I was now scheduled for a biopsy, the Derm Doc said that they wanted to have me in full flare at the time of biopsy. Sooo...after just one dose of Prednisone, treatment stops! I would now have to wait more 23 days before I could start back up. :(
Fun weekend before new tests
My love and I on our first trip to Cedar Point together |
Mike, Mandee, and I on the Dragster |
My ugly appendage |
Biopsy day - August 27th
I showed up for my biopsy about an hour early. I was supposed to get some sunlight for the last few days before my visit, but wouldn't you know my was overcast all three days. The desk clerk banded me with my usual wrist band holding all my identification. I waited patiently and was finally called. I had to go through the usual spiel...history, how and when I first noticed something, symptoms, blah, blah, blah! When I pointed out the spots on my chest and told them how one of the moles got inflamed, dried up, and then fell off, as well as pointed out the new spot, they started looking over my body. Eventually, the one biopsy turned into 5.
Here is how she explained it: It is necessary to get a biopsy of the skin on my knuckles and in the shawl area (upper back) in order to verify the skin conditions are consistent with Dermatomyositis. During this testing phase, the pathology may come back to say that, Yes, it is consistent. However, just because they may get a result of being consistent with DM (or in my case ADM), it is still important to test further to find out what underlying condition has contributed to this diagnosis. That is when she explained that she was going to do 3 more biopsies, one on my back, and the 2 spots on my chest because their look and texture are classic for basal cell carcinoma (BSC)...yes, skin cancer.
The procedure was relatively painless. They numbed my skin (starting with the back) and took the biopsies. The back had 2 punches, one for the spot and one for DM verification. Only one incision and 2 stitches though. On the chest, they took 2 slices off of the suspicious moles to prove the BSC they suspected. Then on to the right hand, where they took another sliver of skin to prove DM. Both the chest and hand biopsies were all cauterized instead of stitching them up since they were so small. They made an follow-up appointment for the 10th of September. Now the wait...again.
Images (Don't look if you are faint at heart):
Biopsy site on upper back |
Day after biopsy of the moles on chest |
Biopsy (Rt pinky knuckle) |
Still holding off on treatment as the decision was made by my Rheumy Doc. At this time, she is scheduling more testing. I feel like the VA hospital is beginning to be my second home.
What makes me such a strong candidate for skin cancer?
First off, I am fair skinned and have always been a little sensitive to the sun. I have always burned in the sun for any length, even while wearing sunscreen.
Basal Cell Carcinoma is one cancer that is mainly about lifestyle. When I was a teen, I worked at a tanning salon called Body Bronze Tanning Salon. Each day I worked there, I got a free tan. Also, during my Air Force career, I was stationed at many places where it was common that on your days off, you went to the pool or beach. Well, while in Panama for 2 years, I did just that. I was literally a beach bum. My skin was so dark back then and I always thought I looked great with darker skin. When I left Panama, I was stationed in Colorado and being in the sun was a little harder in the higher altitude. I once deployed to Italy for 6 months in support of the Bosnia Operation, I was back at it every day. I was loving the sun, even though I still burned. I still felt I looked good.
Since my military days, I didn't so much hang in the sun. I had a full hysterectomy in 2008 and the estrogen I was on cause sensitivity to ultraviolet light. There were a few occasion I did go out into the sun and unintentionally got very burned. I remember going on this cruise with my family in 2013 and even though I had some good sunscreen on, I was red as a lobster. I blistered before I even got out of the sun and the blister on my right shoulder has since been there and is now a mole that they are planning to look at closer during my next visit. I really didn't feel I looked good at that time, but still felt the burn was worth all the fun I had.
Most times I burned, I blistered. Once in my life, I ended up at the doctors to be treated for sun poisoning. Yep, i would say I am at risk for skin cancer because of my fair skin and poor choices. I no longer think the choices were worth the fun.